Small or big actions that #makethedifference in Saint-Gobain Abrasives italy
25 million tonnes of waste every month. One million bottles every day. These are just some of the numbers related to the issue of plastic pollution. In taking positive action to help to reduce waste Saint-Gobain Abrasives Italy launched a “Plastic Free” project: #faildifferenza / #Make the difference.
The aim: to reduce the use of plastic, starting with where we work!
Launched via Social Media to communicate both internally and externally, the events included:
- Gifting employees with customized aluminium water bottles to use at the office instead of plastic bottles. Fun pictures were posted on Facebook, the three with the most ‘likes’ were awarded a special gift. Plastic consumption reduced by 1000+ bottles per month.
- We Italians love our coffee and here at Milano we easily consume a minimum of 1000 plastic cups each month. No longer! Reusable bamboo-fibre cups are now used by our employees.
- Whilst we continue to reduce our use of plastics we’re also now recycling our waste via new “eco-stations”. A communications campaign was launched to educate and promote separation and disposal of different types of waste, which has resulted in a new habit of recycling our waste!
Small actions that we all continue to take.. helping to “#makethedifference”.